“We can not believe how easily Zeke integrated into our family. He is intelligent and learns fast. At 8 weeks, he came to us when called, he sat on command and shook his paw to say hello and was most potty trained ( as much as a young pup can be). By twelve weeks he fully understood the command “leave it”. All this being said you breed the most amazing labs. Any one who has met Zeke is surprised, at his age, he is so calm. Zeke is amazing around our elderly dog and understands her need for space. His new best friend is our cat, Samson. They rumble, chase and play together till they are both exhausted.
I know you breed and sell hundreds of puppies but we feel very connected with you for bringing the love of our life into our life.”
~ Gail and Dan
The first photo is of Zeke and his Doctor. Dr. Stone has given her permission to us for you to use the picture and the following comments. “I was so impressed when I first saw Ezekiel, I have rarely seen a puppy in such amazing health and temperament”. Dr. Stone owns Appalachian Animal Hospital in Piney Flats, Tn and has been our Vet for over 13 years.
Second photo – Zeke shortly after we got him. We continue to take pictures of him in that chair as he grows.
Third photo – Zeke and Samson playing on the porch.
Fourth photo – Zeke a bit bigger in the chair. This picture is on the computer screen at the Johnson City, Tn VA where he will be volunteering once he completed the Canine Good Citizen program.
Update 9/13/16
Update 9/19/16
The big day was today! Zeke graduated from Puppy School with honors and 100%. His teacher is Patty. Moving on to tuff stuff intermediate next Monday. He was valedictorian. His reward was doggie ice cream with his sister Delilah. He is exhausted after sharing his afternoon with friends at the dog park. Puppy sit ups are his best task. The other owners were amazed since their dogs were not as proficient.
Update 11/10/16
Zeke just went to the VA in Johnson City, TN to get a feel of what he will be doing when he gets his Good Citizen Certificate.